Plugin hau 2024(e)ko urriaren 17(a) (e)tik itxita dago, eta ez dago deskargatzeko eskuragarri. Arrazoia: Segurtasun Arazoa.
2024(e)ko martxoaren 11(a)
Easy to install and configure
2024(e)ko urtarrilaren 25(a)
2 replies
Easy to use and very helpful to get more and better reviews and even feedback from those who are not completely satisfied.
2021(e)ko urriaren 27(a)
This is simply the best. It’s super easy to set-up and has a great interface to everything you need. I am not lying when I tell you that this Plugin will lead you to more and better ratings/reviews and ultimately in the end to more turn over and profit.
Thank you very much, your Plugin is doing a great job
2021(e)ko urriaren 27(a)
wow! i really like the 5 stars rating funnel plugin! easy installation, great interface and it really works! the more reviews i get, the more i sell! i can really recommend it to everyone!
2021(e)ko urriaren 26(a)
Just shortly after the super easy setup of the plugin, you could already see an increase in reviews on Google, Facebook and other rating sites. As a result, my company got a lot more orders than before. You could say that RRatingg saved the life of the company in Corona.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Build 5 Star Reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, Facebook… easily and risk-free | RRatingg” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakBuild 5 Star Reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, Facebook… easily and risk-free | RRatingg 1 eskualde-ezarpenera itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.
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