AI Deny


Blocking AI crawlers from your website is essential for maintaining both its performance and privacy. When left unchecked, these bots can strain server resources, causing slow load times for real users, and may harvest data beyond your intended audience. This creates potential risks, including the exposure of sensitive information and a compromised user experience.

AI Deny offers an effective and straightforward solution to this problem. The plugin works by automatically configuring your website’s robots.txt file to disallow over 30 of the most common AI user-agents known for crawling websites. This ensures that unwanted bots are prevented from accessing your site, reducing server load and safeguarding privacy.

With AI Deny, you can easily block all pre-configured user-agents or customize the list to suit your specific needs. By giving you control over which bots are allowed or denied access, AI Deny helps you protect your content, conserve bandwidth, and deliver a faster, more secure experience for your audience.

AI Deny


Upload AI Deny to your blog and activate it.

Toggle User-Agents in Settings > AI Deny


Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.

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December 4 2024

  • Beta release