Finally a cool way to display color palettes on your site. This tiny little plugin gives you a cool way to display color palette on your pages.
Example of what it looks like:
Use the shortcode to and pass in a list of colors:
[awe_palette colors="434858,5886c5,#f2674a,c6006d"]
Or you can call it directly with PHP in your theme:
<?php awesome_color_palettes( array('#cccccc', 'efefef', '666') ); ?>
You can include the # or not, it doesn’t care what you do.
Wait, there’s more. Create an awesome-color-palette.php
file and put it in your theme folder and you can custom palettes for whatever you need.
It can handle 10 colors out of the box. To add more, simply create some CSS like below and add it to your style.css file in your theme.
.awe-color-palette.count-20 .color { width: 5%; }
- Add plugin to the
directory - Gaitu plugina WordPress-eko ‘Pluginak’ menutik
- Use shortcode mention in the main page to display the goods
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- July 20th, 2014
- Built with love