Plugin hau 2023(e)ko urriaren 21(a) (e)tik itxita dago, eta ez dago deskargatzeko eskuragarri. Arrazoia: Segurtasun Arazoa.
2018(e)ko urtarrilaren 12(a)
Very impressed with this plugin. It does exactly what it claims to do – no more, no less. It works every time and avoids the need for over complicated utilities.
2016(e)ko irailaren 3(a)
This plugin is so easy it allows you to DESIGN the wordflow on your page. This was EXACTLY what I needed. I’m using a theme I LOVE but its pages are far to wide for optimal text reading. This plugin solves the problem easily. I really should give it 4 stars since theres no on-page documentation (just as a reminder) BUT the end result is so fantastic that I cant Hate on it. (but PLEASE add some on-page docs or insert capability)
2016(e)ko irailaren 3(a)
It does what I need it to do. Thank you.
2016(e)ko irailaren 3(a)
1 reply
It took me only 60 seconds to set up and make a page with two columns. Plus it’s responsive. Really easy and cool. Just copy the shortcodes under View Details > Description & add your content between them. – Thanks!
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Bamboo Columns” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez Bamboo Columns zure hizkuntzara.
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