What Is This Toolbox Addon for Beaver Builder?
The Toolbox addon is build for Beaver Builder so you can edit the page title, page permalink, page parent & page template, without going back to the WordPress “back-end”
Also you can edit SEO Title + SEO Description (WordPress SEO, All in one SEO, HeadSpace2 SEO, Platinum SEO Pack, SEO Framework, SEOPress, SmartCrawl (Pro) or Genesis)
Tested and worked on Beaver Builder 2.x.
Does not work on Version 1.x. Use Thierry Pigot Beaver Builder Toolbox instead.
- Edit Page / Post Title
- Edit Page / Post Slug
- Edit Page / Post template
- Edit Parent Page / Post
- Edit Featured Image
- Edit Meta Title (Only with Supported SEO Tools)
- Edit Meta Description (Only with Supported SEO Tools)
Supported SEO Tools
- WordPress SEO
- All in one SEO
- HeadSpace2 SEO
- Platinum SEO Pack
- The SEO Framework
- SEOPress
- SmartCrawl (Pro)
- Genesis
What says more then words? A youtube video! David Waumsley did one video about version 1.1.0.
This plugin: Jack Krielen
Based on plugin: Thierry Pigot Beaver Builder Toolbox by Thierry Pigot
Beaver Builder: Beaver Builder page Builder
Beaver Image: Hand painted beaver by ajipebriana / Freepik
Youtube Video: David Waumsley
Install Toolbox for Beaver Builder either via the WordPress plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server at wp-content/plugins. Then activate it and go in to the Beaver Builder Front End editor.
1, 2, 3: You’re done!
This plugin does not add any tables or fields. This plugin only uses the Beaver Builder module, Supported SEO modules and WordPress.
For information on using Toolbox for Beaver Builder, please ask on the WordPress forum, github or on the Slack of Beaver Builder.
At this moment there is no visual update when you save a new featured image or changing the page title. Please visit this Github issue for more information
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