Blowhorn Logistics Same Day Delivery plugin helps you ship out your products from the website making the fulfilment process seamless. You can track your shipment and receive subscribed alerts from Blowhorn’s integrated fulfillment platform (Order Management to Warehousing to Transportation). Visit Blowhorn to know more
At one click you will be able to manage the entire order journey till the product is received by your customer and leave all the logistics hurdle to Blowhorn. Read API docs to know more about the description of features that Blowhorn TMS provides (slots, delivery instructions, pickups, etc.)
Serviceability: Check whether the pincode is serviceable.
Microwarehousing: Able to front load your inventory to reach customers faster via our network of warehouses.
Track and Trace: Real Time track your shipments and customers can subscribe to shipping events via email / SMS. Accepts prepaid / CoD and Proof of Delivery.
Returns Management: Manage the Return To Origin (RTO) and reverse pickups.
- Login to your admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload.(alternatively, install through the WP admin console)
- Click choose file, upload the file and click install.
- Make Sure you have latest version of WordPress(or minimum 5.2).
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