Box Slogan Block is a custom Gutenberg Block to showcase your important information on your WordPress site. It has a lot of customization options.
Video Tutorial
Key Features
- Simple, light-weight, and super-fast
- Built with only Gutenberg Native Components
- No Block Builder at all
- 100% Responsive on different sizes of devices
- Modern and eye-catching clean design
- Grid Columns Management on Different Devices like Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile
- Custom Color Options
- Custom spacing options
- You can include a beautiful button to link to your post, page, or, custom post type
- Easy to Use in Gutenberg Editor
- This block exactly the same both in the Gutenberg editor and the frontend
About Developer
Designed & Developed By Manzur Ahmed. Available for any freelance work, feel free to Contact Me
Plugin honek 2 blokeak eskaintzen ditu.
- Box Slogan Block Responsive Box Slogan Block for Gutenberg editor.
- Box Slogan Member Block Individual Box Slogan Child Block display image and important info
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- You can install the plugin from your WordPress Plugin menu.
- Alternatively, you can put plugin’s files to your WordPress plugin folder, i.e.,
folder. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins” screen in WordPress.
- Go to Gutenberg Block Editor and you will find a new category with a new Block named “Box Slogan Block”.
- Click on it to drop the “Box Slogan Block” on your Gutenberg editor.
Is it responsive?
Yes. It is 100% Responsive
Does the “Box Slogan Block” require any block builder?
No. It is built with 100% native Gutenberg Components only.
How can I use it?
Please follow the video tutorial to see the uses of it.
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Aldaketen loga
0.1.0 – Initial Release