Creates a simple, secure delegation system whereby a privileged user (such as an administrator) can assign other registered BuddyPress members to be “delegates” for a given user. A delegate has the capability to view and edit Extended Profile (XProfile) fields for the delegated user. This is useful on sites where certain relationships exist between one user and another, such as legal guardianship by an adult over a child. Using delegation reduces the need to share passwords or log in to shared accounts.
Donations for this plugin make up a chunk of my income. If you continue to enjoy this plugin, please consider making a donation. 🙂 Thank you for your support!
Roles and capabilities
This plugin uses the built-in capabilities system as part of WordPress core, along with core BuddyPress hooks (bp_current_user_can
) to check for appropriate permissions, making it both simple to customize and as secure as WP and BP core code. The custom capabilities are:
– Users with this capability can assign delegates for users they can edit (determined byedit_users
Additionally, the following core capabilities are required:
– The delegation options implicitly enumerate all registered users, so a user must also have thelist_users
capability to be granted access to the Delegation user interface.edit_users
– If you cannotedit_users
, you cannotedit_user_delegates
, either.
On a default WordPress and BuddyPress installation, these capabilities are granted only to Administrator users. However, this can be changed using the built-in capability filter hooks.
BP Delegated XProfile can be installed automatically from the WordPress plugin repository by searching for “BP Delegated XProfile” in the “Add new plugin” screen of your WordPress admin site and clicking the “Install now” button.
Minimum requirements:
The plugin will automatically de-activate itself, or certain features, if these requirements are not met. If you do not see a given feature, ensure your server (and your web hosting provider) meet the above requirements!
BP Delegated XProfile can also be installed manually by following these instructions:
- Download the latest plugin code from the WordPress plugin repository.
- Upload the unzipped
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory of your WordPress installation. - Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- Installation Instructions
BP Delegated XProfile can be installed automatically from the WordPress plugin repository by searching for “BP Delegated XProfile” in the “Add new plugin” screen of your WordPress admin site and clicking the “Install now” button.
Minimum requirements:
The plugin will automatically de-activate itself, or certain features, if these requirements are not met. If you do not see a given feature, ensure your server (and your web hosting provider) meet the above requirements!
BP Delegated XProfile can also be installed manually by following these instructions:
- Download the latest plugin code from the WordPress plugin repository.
- Upload the unzipped
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory of your WordPress installation. - Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- A question asked often
The answer to the question.
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Aldaketen loga
- Fix activation error on old versions of PHP.
- Initial public release.