Are you looking to handle your Brightcove Video and Playlist library natively from within WordPress or use Brightcove’s Gallery In-Page video experiences?
With this plugin, you have the power to handle multiple accounts and video libraries, upload videos and add them to playlists, render shortcodes with your videos and all from within the WordPress admin interface.
Installation and Usage and FAQ
For installation, usage, and Frequently Asked Question please see the Brightcove Support Site.
Settings page to add an account and set up the player width. Adding an account. Successfully adding an account. Listing the videos added to the selected account. Selecting a video to show the details on the sidebar. Videos’ page to upload a new video. Editing an account. Video successfully uploaded to the Brightcove. Listing the playlists added to the selected account. Adding two Brightcove shortcodes to a post in the text mode. Showing two videos added to a post in the visual mode. Previewing a video. Showing a sample post with a video added. Selecting a playlist to show the details on the sidebar. Brightcove Block and Block Settings.
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2.8.7 – 2024-10-09
- Add missing script close tag. Props @burhandodhy.
- Selecting multiple videos while embedding a Video Experience results in error. Props @burhandodhy.
- Single Video Player Embed appears very different in the block editor. Props @burhandodhy.
- E2E tests. Props @burhandodhy.
- Calculate the padding based on the Aspect ratio. @burhandodhy.
- Video Save History. Props @burhandodhy.
- Allow only png and jpg images for thumbnail and poster. Props @burhandodhy.
- Hide search field if video folder is selected. Props @burhandodhy.
2.8.6 – 2024-05-08
- Cannot use Brightcove block on custom post types. Props @spacedmonkey and @jonnynews.
- Typo when saving the language_detection attribute. Props @claimableperc.
- Combined queries with q search parameter. Props @oscarssanchezz.
2.8.5 – 2024-04-22
- Add Select field for labels. Props @burhandodhy.
- Cache the API response and display a message from where user can retry the API again. Props @burhandodhy and @jonnynews.
- Update readme and assets. Props @jeffpaul.
- First parameter type of add_submenu_page() when no parent slug is sent. Props @jonnynews.
- Display error message when the previous request is aborted. Props @burhandodhy.
- PHP warning while editing a label. Props @MARQAS and @felipeelia.
- PHP warning while saving a video. Props @MARQAS and @felipeelia.
- Move playlist notice above controls bar. Props @MARQAS and @felipeelia.
- Clicking on the “Edit” and “Preview” buttons for the inactive videos breakes the layout. Props @burhandodhy and @felipeelia.
- Add support for special characters. Props @burhandodhy and @cr0ybot.
- Search box alignment in Media modal. Props @MARQAS and @felipeelia.
- Limit API calls on unwanted admin pages. Props @burhandodhy.
- Video update API fails when labels are empty. Props @burhandodhy.
2.8.4 – 2023-11-30
- Brightcove version to user agent string. Props @felipeelia.
- Use
if available. Props @felipeelia, @JakePT, and @oscarssanchez.
- Empty “Created At:” and “Updated At:” in playlists. Props @burhandodhy and @MARQAS.
- Help notices being displayed more than once. Props @burhandodhy and @MARQAS.
- Caption upload. Props @burhandodhy and @MARQAS.
- Bumped
from 7.22.8 to 7.23.2. Props @dependabot.
- Playlist experience not rendering correctly in frontend
- Prevent API calls when Brightcove has not been configured yet
- Customization options hidden when switching embed type in in-page experiences
- Fixed plays in line not working with iFrame elements.
- Fixed autplay not working with Brightcove Player 7.
- Fixed link to authentication API docs.
- Fixed fatal error when Brightcove menu is null.
- BC_Oauth_API::Method _request_access_token() in favor of BC_Oauth_API::request_access_token()
- Action brightcove/admin/settings_page in favor of brightcove_admin_settings_page
- Action brightcove/admin/videos_page in favor of brightcove_admin_videos_page
- Action brightcove/admin/playlists_page in favor of brightcove_admin_playlists_page
- Action brightcove/admin/edit_source_page in favor of brightcove_admin_edit_source_page
- Action brightcove/admin/labels_page in favor of brightcove_admin_labels_page
- Action brightcove/admin/edit_label_page in favor of brightcove_admin_edit_label_page
- PHPCS Fixes.
- Ability to add Application ID parameter to video player.
- Enable audio track language detection based on browser language if video has multiple audio tracks.
- Picture in Picture not working.
- Enable audio track language detection based on browser language if video has multiple audio tracks.
- Brightcove API changes break video edit view.
- Support custom fields with multilingual metadata.
- Update multilingual metadata.
- Ability to display video URL in videos page.
- Video and Playlist experiences displays wrong block settings.
- Update attribute type from int to string.
- Pass sizing attribute to determine if responsiveness should be enabled.
- Fix broken Brightcove experiences embedding.
- Add: State, Scheduled Start Date, and Scheduled End Date fields to the video edit screen.
- Add: In-Page Experiences.
- Label field on video editing.
- Settings sidebar to the Brightcove block. Props @Rahmon, and @oscarssanchez via #229.
- Bump
from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7. Props @dependabot via #222. - Bump
from 6.1.5 to 6.1.11. Props @dependabot via #223.
- Updated the screenshots.
Breaking Changes
- BC_Utility API changed: See
. - BC_Utility API changed: Removed
- Undefined index warnings. Props @sanketio via #197.
- Typo for the
global used in conjunction with wp_kses. Props @theskinnyghost via #203. - Performance issue related with bc_transient_keys option. Props @Rahmon via #215.
- Playlist preview in the editor. Props @Rahmon via #216.
- Bump
from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (props @dependabot via #212) - Bump
from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 (props @dependabot via #213)
- Fix: Default Source field when is submitted unchecked.
- Fix: Adjust the position of media details in the editing modal.
- Fix: Clear filtered results when the input search is empty.
- Fix: Add missing mute attribute in the block.
- Fix: Playlist player is not available.
- Fix: Default state filter: display filtered default on dropdown.
- Fix: jQuery context deprecation.
- Fix: Fresh installation bugfix with labels.
- Fix: PHPCS issues.
- Feature: Labels.
- Feature: VIP error logging to NewRelic.
- Changed to most recent logos.
- Feature: Status filter.
- Feature: Multi language caption processing.
- Feature: Active/Inactive videos filtering.
- Fix: Fatal error when credentials are revoked.
- Add a notice when credentials are revoked, prompting user to update them.
- Fix: Bug in preview when switching from classic editor to Gutenberg.
- Fix: Bug with editor capabilities.
- Picture in picture support.
- Support to use reference id in videos.
- Fix: Upload new videos bug.
- Fix: Adding a new brightcove account bug
- Enhancement: Enable search on playlists. Props turtlepod
- Enhancement: Adds a playsinline option for embeds.
- Enhancement: Adds a new settings field to have a default player size width.
- Fix: URL encoding uploads for files with foreign characters.
- Fix: Player ordering to better resemble the order in Brightcove Studio.
- Fix: Increase padding on iframe.
- Fix: Source account bug on upload page.
- Fix: Stop showing inactive players in the plugin.
- Fix: Settings page not loading when plugin is network activated.
- Fix: Adding multiple Gutenberg blocks to a post causes videos to sync video content.
- Fix: PHP notice when information from Brightcove account not available.
- Enhancement: Folder API support.
- Fix: Removed extra slashes that appeared on titles and descriptions.
- Fix: Behavior of status update messages.
- Fix: Fixed a bug related to the Gutenberg block.
- Fix: Updated support link on account settings page.
- Enhancement: Gutenberg support.
- Fix: Fixed a bug causing video previews not to show.
- Fix: Fixed a bug causing playlist videos to not be listed.
- Fix: Update to the ‘brightcove_media_query_results’ filter to allow $processed_results to be used.
- Fix: Removal of deprecated options for Plupload.
- Fix: Adding last two parameters to add_action to remove PHP 7.2 warnings.
- Fix: Removal of hardcoded video page height.
- Enhancement: Video Experience player.
- Enhancement: Video Experience playlists.
- Enhancement: Added filter to allow developer to specify an ingest profile.
- Fix: Resolves issue with WP dashboard being taken down when API is unresponsive.
- Fix: Adjustments to search behavior.
- Fix: Fixed a minor issue with the API request.
- Enhancement: Added player support for videos and playlists
- Enhancement: Updated playlist api to v2
- Fix: Fixed a bug that was causing issues when a playlist was edited
- Enhancement: Add a target attribute to change shortcode placement
- Enhancement: Improved performance of search
- Fix: Fixed a bug that was causing an empty thumbnail to be displayed in search results
- Enhancement: Show Brightcove button only in the main content editor
- Enhancement: Increased the timeout used to call Brightcove API
- Enhancement: Remove the ‘Processing…’ text from image thumbnails
- Various bug fixes
- Enhancement: Removed call to Brightcove status API
- Fix: Fixed issues with “Insert into Post” button
- Enhancement: Make all text translatable.
- Enhancement: Enhancements to Add source screen
- Enhancement: Fixed all PHP warnings
- Fix: Issue where API calls could fail silently
- Fix: Add strict parameter to use of
- Fix: Add .avi to list of accepted MIMEtypes
- Fix: Issue where caption file types were deemed invalid if they had a query string attached
- Fix: Add fallback to default player for playlist rendering
- Fix: Issue where search would leave an empty screen
- Enhancement: Add brightcove_video_html filter
- Enhancement: Add support for the Heartbeat API
- Fix: Issue where playlist shortcode was mistakenly inserted
- Fix: Issue where spinners would not show on first load
- Enhancement: Enable the presentation and control of custom fields on uploaded videos
- Enhancement: Add support for custom video player selection during publication
- Enhancement: Support ingestion of preroll (poster) images and video thumbnails
- Enhancement: Support ingestion of closed captions
- Enhancement: Track the name and date of any changes to a video
- Fix: Tags should automatically populate drop down on videos page
- Fix: Clear search results if user empties field or clicks search field
- Fix: Improve search handling
- Fix: Improve logic for exit edit mode when closing modal
- Fix: Ensure this bound properly in returned delete callback
- Fix: Prevent body/background from scrolling when modal open
- Fix: Fix a scroll overflow issue in the edit video modal
- Fix: When re-opening modal, always switch back to video grid view
- Fix: Activate the spinner only when opening modal, not in template
- Fix: Ensure close button handler doesn’t interfere with other close requests
- Fix: Fix back button disabled detection
- Fix: Make the notices dismissable instead of fading
- Fix: Disable closing modal during sync
- Fix: Disable all buttons and hide delete link while syncing
- Fix: Disable all buttons on the edit video screen while syncing
- Fix: Correct scrollbar on Sync button click, adds some css padding
- Fix: Start with the spinner active, until the initial ajax request completes
- Fix: Set default account id for media manager
- Fix: Correct setting of account on selection
- Fix: Select default account for initial sync (as default)
- Fix: Only localize playlist data, get the rest via ajax
- Fix: Add selected to current account dropdown, remove All option
- Fix: Various miscellaneous corrections for updated WordPress VIP submission
- Fix: Remove extra files. This is a holdout from 1.1.1 to remove all the extra files from the repository.
- Fixed: playlists and other data saving to Database
- Fixed: incorrect close icon on media modal
- Fixed: minimum version check
- Enhancement: Removed callback subscriptions
- Fixed videos not consistently deleting
- Fixed caching issues
- Fixed editing videos from upload screen
- Fixed inconsistent player implementation
- Added responsive playlists and videos
- Removed GUI option for video width and height (more consistent to add manually)
- Added ability to bypass cache entirely
- Removed unnecessary code and other files throughout plugin and consolidated file structure
- Fixed broken shortcode insertion after changing video size via GUI
- Fixed inconsistent “Add new” button behavior on Video screen
- Fixed minimum size for playlist display (no longer only shows video selector when width >= 800px)
- Added notice upon playlist insertion if no compatible player is available – because you can never let people know enough
- Numerous other small typo corrections, fixes and enhancements
- Enhancement: Brightcove Video Connect will now warn users when a part of the Brightcove API system is down that might affect plugin or video behavior.
- Enhancement: The playlist page will now display an error if no playlist compatible player exists
- Fix: Date filters have been removed from playlists and videos as they were unusable
- Fix: The Brightcove URL has been fixed to better support HTTP and HTTPS operations
- Fix: Fix row-action issues in playlists introduced since WordPress 4.4
- Miscellaneous minor fixes and corrections to copy throughout the plugin.
- Fix: Fixed fatal error on uninstall
- Fix: Fixed smart playlist display
- Fix: Remove an error that could happen when adding an acount with empty playlists
- Fix: Default sort for videos is now “newest first” for all screens listing videos.
- Fix: Playlists now display properly
- Fix: Fixed the edit button for playlists
- Fix: JavaScript has been greatly cleaned up and should no longer conflict on the post editor or other screens.
- Refactored and cleaned up to meet WordPress VIP guidelines.
- Fix: Fixed a PHP Fatal error that could occur when the connection to the Brightcove API failed.
- Enhancement: Added ability to specify display size on video and playlist shortcodes.
- Increasing HTTP timeout to fix sporadic issues when adding sources
- Cleanup of references from /brightcove_video_cloud to /brightcove_video_connect.
- Fix: Plugin deactivation wasn’t working.
- First release