This plugin will add a “Buy Now” button below the “Add to cart” button that add product to cart and quickly redirects the customer directly to the checkout page for a quick purchase using custom ajax call. This plugin is designed to help boost your business conversion rate by reducing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. With the “Buy Now” button, customers can be taken directly to the checkout page, skipping the traditional cart page redirect of WooCommerce.
This a simple plugin, yet effective way to increase your online sale and grow your business.
The plugin provides an option to apply extra CSS class on added “Buy now” button. Specify any CSS class that your theme provides to make the “Buy now” button similar to your theme.
Optionally you can check the “Remove other product from cart” option to remove previously added product(s) into the cart and only product(s) added by Buy now button remains in the cart and is redirected to the checkout page.
You can access settings of this plugin under WooCommerce menu.
Note :
- This plugin currently supports simple and variable products only and does not add a “Buy now” button for grouped and external products.
- This plugin requires WooCommerce in order to work. Please ensure that WooCommerce is installed and activated.
Minimum Requirements
- WordPress 5.2 or greater
- PHP version 7.2 or greater
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory and extract.
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