This plugin provides a widget that will display real estate listings as HTML output.
Sign up for IDXblue license at At the end of the signup, you will receive a unique URL.
Customize search results:
Load the IDXblue unique URL in a web browser, select your desired search parameters using the HTML search form, submit the form, and copy the entire URL of the resulting page. Remove any instances of session ID (e.g., &PHPSESSID=123456) from the URL and proceed with steps described below.
To display search results in the sidebar:
Install and activate (this) IDXblue plugin
Drag the IDXblue widget into the sidebar at the desired location.
Copy and paste the search results URL into the widget in the form field provided.
Save settings
To display listings in main content area of a page:
Do all the steps above, plus…
Install a widgetizer plugin such as \”Widgetize Pages Light\” or equivalent.
Create a custom sidebar using the widgetizer
Add the IDXblue widget to the custom sidebar
On the page where you want the search results to be displayed, insert the shortcode for the custom sidebar, either manually or with the button in editor (see widgetizer documentation)
For any installation issues with this plugin, please contact
For any issues or questions regarding the widgetizer, please contact the plugin author (not us).
- Installation Instructions
Sign up for IDXblue license at At the end of the signup, you will receive a unique URL.
Customize search results:
Load the IDXblue unique URL in a web browser, select your desired search parameters using the HTML search form, submit the form, and copy the entire URL of the resulting page. Remove any instances of session ID (e.g., &PHPSESSID=123456) from the URL and proceed with steps described below.To display search results in the sidebar:
Install and activate (this) IDXblue plugin
Drag the IDXblue widget into the sidebar at the desired location.
Copy and paste the search results URL into the widget in the form field provided.
Save settingsTo display listings in main content area of a page:
Do all the steps above, plus…
Install a widgetizer plugin such as \”Widgetize Pages Light\” or equivalent.
Create a custom sidebar using the widgetizer
Add the IDXblue widget to the custom sidebar
On the page where you want the search results to be displayed, insert the shortcode for the custom sidebar, either manually or with the button in editor (see widgetizer documentation)For any installation issues with this plugin, please contact
For any issues or questions regarding the widgetizer, please contact the plugin author (not us).
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Central Florida IDX” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez Central Florida IDX zure hizkuntzara.
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