

Plugin hau 2024(e)ko irailaren 3(a) (e)tik itxita dago, eta ez dago deskargatzeko eskuragarri. Erabateko berrikuspenaren zain, itxiera behin-behinekoa da.


2024(e)ko abuztuaren 13(a)
Always gives precise result. This is the best geo location plugin. I started with their free version and moved to a paid one. Thank you, team. keep it up.
2024(e)ko ekainaren 21(a) 1 reply
First, the documentation should definitely improve: elements are missing, implementation is not as clear, same with options (i.e. can I use the original name? Like Firenze instead of Florence), etc. Lots can be done there. And it’s a bit annoying that it uses square brackets [ ] rather than curly {{ }}, because when you copy and paste, Gutenberg automatically converts the content to a shortcode, and this is no shortcode. Also, I live in London, but if I write include=”London” it fails to recognise me because it believes my City is Westminster, which is rather the borough. The 1000 hits a day limit is not going to work for many: simply including the code in a post and testing it already consumed 54 hits (7 upon opening the settings page the first time). Anyway, the plugin does its job well. And I found that you can use it for more than just text: if you write a paragraph with [cfgeo include=””], then any amount of content in any Gutenberg block, and then close another paragraph with a [/cfgeo], the entire content gets managed by the plugin. So that’s great. If everything I noted above can be sorted out, it’s definitely a 5-star plugin. Ah, one more thing… Give an option to remove the content in the top admin bar, for those who find it unnecessary and annoying. Update: Ran out of the 1000 hits in just 1 week. Tested this on 1 old page on a very niche blog getting just about a dozen visitors a day (the page itself got only 2 visits in the period and the plugin is blocked on the other pages with Asset CleanUp), so obviously it’s not a real match and it seems miscoded on purpose to convince you to upgrade… Guess it’s not worth using this instead of other plugins then, unless you really need it and have the money. Downgraded from 3 stars to 1.
2023(e)ko azaroaren 24(a)
Thought I would give this a try. Documentation was not clear to know whether you adding countries to block or adding countries to allow. I tried both ways, but neither choice blocked me when attempting to view our site through a VPN.. There are complete sections missing from to documentation.
2023(e)ko uztailaren 30(a)
Wonderful experience with the free version. I love their Geo Banner feature that shows country-wise banners correctly even on cached posts/pages. Country-wise redirection, country flag support, and anti-spam support are the cherry on the cake! 🍒🍰
2023(e)ko uztailaren 7(a)
The plugin works well. I use it to customize text based on country, so nothing super-geo-granular, but it works well and doesn’t affect our GT Metrix score (which was a big concern). The free tier gives you enough to test it, but 1000 hits/month is probably not enough for any serious usage.
Irakurri 28 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Geo Controller” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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