Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

Comic Book Management System


Comic Book Management System allows comic book creators to upload information about upcoming books such as their diamond code, release date, a cover image and their role on the book, so that fans know when each book is being released.

Major features in Comic Book Management System include:

  • Edit feature for release date changes or cover images becoming available.
  • Uses the owl carousel slider to display upcoming books.
  • Books can be displayed as this week, next week, pre-orders or all upcoming books depending on preference.
  • Automatically removes books and cover images if they have passed their release dates.



Upload and activate the plugin.
Add, Edit and Remove books by accessing the CBMS admin panel on your wordpress dashboard.
To add a new book click “Add an Upcoming Book”.
To edit an existing book click “List All Upcoming Books”, then click “Edit Book”.
To remove an existing book click “List All Upcoming Books”, then click “Delete Book”.
To add an available now book click “Add An Available Now Book”.
To edit an existing available now book click “List All Available Now Books”, then click “Edit Book”.
To remove an existing available now book click “List All Available Now Books”, then click “Delete Book”.
To display books out this week add the shortcode [cbms_thisweek] to your site.
To display books out next week add the shortcode [cbms_nextweek] to your site.
To display books available for pre-order add the shortcode [cbms_preorder] to your site.
To display all upcoming books add the shortcode [cbms_showall] to your site.
To display all available now books add the shortcode [cbms_showallavailable] to your site.


I’m having trouble getting the plugin to work?

Check out a step by step guide, with images, at

I’m still having trouble and need to get in touch with you?

Send an email to info@ and I will take care of any issue you are having.

Just a reminder to any artists using the plugin, in the event that new comic book day falls on any day other than a Wednesday, please ensure that you select the release date as the Wednesday nearest to the date.


2021(e)ko apirilaren 30(a) 1 reply
I wanted to like this and the 10ish installs did worry me. I wanted to list comic books I’ve translated and be able to show let people actually read them. I don’t want a webcomic plugin as I don’t want to upload one page at a time and I work with dozens of series. Here’s some things this plugin needs: Every comic entry should have a full editor to add media, synopsis, etc. Custom fields Categories Characters Series With this, it could really go. Right now it’s just a way to list books but with no info on said books which I don’t understand the point of.
Irakurri berrikuspen bakarra

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Comic Book Management System” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


  • Plugin Created


  • Fixed Redirect on Book Deletion


  • Added An Available Now Book Section


  • Added in sections that allow information about the books to be displayed on hover of the cover image


  • Updated Admin Panel