Critical Value Calculator is a free calculator plugin that enables you to calculate critical value of Z, T, Chi-square, F and R at one click. You don’t have to search through hundreds of values in t-table or z-table because this critical value calculator calculates in real-time.
Through this plugin users on your website can find following critical values:
- T critical value
- Z critical value
- Chi-square critical value
- F critical value
- R critical value
You can also change the calculator’s theme color from admin panel.
It is very easy to use, You just have to use shortcode [critical-value] to show the calculator on webpage.
Installation and Use
This section describes how to install and use this plugin on your dashboard.
- Upload the plugin files to your directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugin directory and it is totally free.
- Activate the plugin through ‘Plugins’ screen in the WordPress dashboard.
- Now you can see the critical value calculator menu on wordpress admin dashboard.
- To add it on front end you just have to add short code there [critical-value].
It’s not working
- Step 1. Check if your Plugin is activated.
- Step 2. Deactivate all plugins and reactivate critical value calculator.
Mcalculate T value area. screenshot-1.png Result Area for T value. screenshot-2.png calculate Z value area. screenshot-3.png Result Area for Z value. screenshot-4.png calculate chi-square value area. screenshot-5.png Result Area for chi-square value. screenshot-6.png calculate F value area. screenshot-7.png Result Area for F value. screenshot-8.png calculate R value area. screenshot-9.png Result Area for R value. screenshot-10.png Admin panel setting to change theme color. screenshot-11.png Short code of calculator. screenshot-12.png
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