Instead of traditional “calculator” looks converter, Currencyr take the advance of “tooltip” and sit right at the amount to allow user convert it. Support various exchange rates provider API running as WP Cron task and able to auto-determinate local currency of visitor. Currencyr also offers currency converter widget, shortcode and function.
See it in action at
Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.3.0 or later, do not ever try to install if you running the older version.
- Inline converter using Currencyr for jQuery
- Various exchange rates providers – Yahoo!, Google, Open Exchange Rates, European Central Bank and FoxRates
- Support database cache driven for fast response
- WP Cron task scheduler enabled
- Shortcode quick conversion support
- Currency table and converter widget
- Function for theme developer
- Auto-determinate local currency via IP detection using IP2C
- Support integration with various ecommerce plugins – WooCommerce, WP-eCommerce, Shopp and Easy Digital Downloads
- Translation support
To enable the shortcode simply use [currencyr] and use the following syntax:
[currencyr amount=$amount <from=$code> to=$code<|$code>]
- amount – The number that you wish to convert.
- to – The currency code. Use “|” as separator for multiple conversion.
- from (optional) – The currency code. If omitted the Base Currency from setting will be use.
[currencyr amount=99.99 to=gbp]
[currencyr amount=99.99 from=aud to=gbp]
[currencyr amount=99.99 to=gbp|eur|cad]
Function Call
The conversion feature is available to call within templates or codes using either currencyr_exchange() or the_currencyr_exchange(). Both functions share the same arguments, the diferrent is the_currencyr_exchange() is only echoes the result automatically. You can call the functions as WordPress style or PHP with the following arguments:
- amount – The number that you wish to convert.
- to – The currency code.
from (optional) – The currency code. If omitted the Base Currency from setting will be use.
The code above is similar to:
<?php echo currencyr_exchange( array( 'amount' => 99.99, 'to' => 'cad' ) ); ?>
Also similar to:
<?php echo currencyr_exchange( 99.99, 'cad' ); ?>
- Add exchange rates table page
- Add custom currency support
If you have any feedback, tweet @firmanw for fast response, or head over to the support forum.
- Install Currencyr either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
- Activate the Currencyr through the Plugins menu in WordPress
- Go to Currencyr menu to get started
- You need to update rates to populate cache immediately, or let WP Cron do it
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Aldaketen loga
- Fixed wpdb error while retrieving WP e-Commerce configuration.
- Fixed menu and page icon for HiDPI screen.
- Fixed some URLs
- Added functions to able to use conversion within templates/codes
- Added handler when conversion return no result
- Fixed settings page capability typo
- Fixed widget number format
- Fixed plugin URI
Initial release