This plugin is only compatible up to WordPress 3.8. Later versions revamped the distraction free writing mode and are not compatible with this plugin.
Dark and light themes for WordPress Distraction Free Writing mode editor. Use one of the built-in themes based on classics such as Monokai or Q10, or write your own using CSS.
New in 3.0
- Option to auto-start distraction free writing mode when editing posts
- Per-user distraction free theme settings
- Internationalization support
- Auto-start distraction free mode based on user roles
- Turkish
Thanks to m_uysl for these additions.
New in 2.1
Introducing Autolycus and ZenHub themes – check out the screenshots in the Screenshots tab!
Enter the Distraction Free writing Mode in WordPress by clicking the DFWM button in the editor. (Shortcut Alt+Shift+W)
Read mode about the Distraction Free writing Mode
- PHP 5.3 or higher strongly recommended
None at the moment. Translations welcome.
- More themes! (If you’ve made a theme, make sure to submit it through the WordPress Support forum!)
- Better instructions for making custom themes.
- Theming the top bar. (Not done due to complexity in current themes, but future themes can technically do this.)
- Upload the
folder to/wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin (Distraction Free Writing mode Themes) through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Your DFWM theme will automatically be set to Monokai. Go to Settings -> DFWM Themes to change this or revert to the original theme.
- The styles do not display as in the theme preview
Your current WordPress Theme can affect this plugin. Please submit a bug report to the Support forums containing both your WordPress theme as well as the theme your are using with DFWM Themes.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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“Distraction Free Writing mode Themes” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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Aldaketen loga
- Improved themes to fix some issues with WordPress themes overriding the Distraction Free styles.
- Improved loading of Custom CSS
- New Spanish translation, thanks Andrew Kurtis at WebHostingHub
- Bug fix for titles in Distraction Free Writing Mode when force option was enabled
- Option to auto-start distraction free writing mode when editing posts
- Per-user distraction free theme settings
- Internationalization support
- Auto-start distraction free mode based on user roles
* Turkish
- Introducing Autolycus and ZenHub themes – check out the screenshots in the Screenshots tab!
- Compatibility with other plugins is improved by applying some !important overrides.
- Fixed a bug where the plugin did not get activated when short_open_tag was set to Off.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Custom CSS from working correctly
- Typo fixes in readme
- More screenshots
- Screenshot descriptions added
- Readme improved
- Fixed missing theme previews
- Initial release