Eazy Enable Blogroll


You missed the Blogroll. But now the sad times are over! Eazy Enable Blorgroll helps you unleash the full control of your links to partners / affiliates / friends and other interesting stuff on the interwebs.


  1. Upload eazy-enable-blogroll to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or download directly through the admin interface
  2. Gaitu plugina WordPress-eko ‘Pluginak’ menutik
  3. Enjoy the original WordPress Blogroll!


Why such a simple plugin?

Because I can!
(And of course there are plenty of requests for this deprecated feature and non-devs will like the one-button-solution)


2024(e)ko otsailaren 22(a)
Great! Works with ClassicPress 2.0I am glad I found this, I called the old WP version “Link Manager”Thank you for all you work!
2022(e)ko abuztuaren 31(a)
This plugin does exactly what it says it does. Thank you!
2022(e)ko otsailaren 28(a)
Thank you for this! For a while, I tried to insert a small advertising banner into the sidebar using “custom HTML”. Saving was impossible due to an invalid JSON response. # Now comes the trick: Use the “Links”-widget, beforehand create a “Links”-category such as “Advertising” and 1 contact with URL to the banner image file. Save and the banner will appear in the sidebar. Example page: https://duba.blog. Thank You again for this Plugin!
Irakurri 7 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Eazy Enable Blogroll” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


  • Add Blogroll and donation link to plugins overview


  • New shiny Banner and Icon
  • Tested with WordPress 4.3.1


  • Initial release.