Registered user can send out an email containing current page’s URL.
It is helpful in sharing private or unpublished links which are not visible in the regular blog.
Method #1
- Go to your WP Admin > Plugins > Add New page.
- Search for “Email-Em”.
- Click install. Click activate.
Method #2
- Download this plugin as a .zip file.
- Go to WP Admin > Plugins > Add new > Upload Plugin.
- Upload the .zip file and activate the plugin.
Method #3
- Download the file
- Unzip the file on your computer.
- Upload folder email-em (you just unzipped) to /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the WP Admin > Plugins menu.
Click on how to install a WordPress Plugin for more details.
- How does it work
It gives you an interface to enter an email address.
Filling this form will email them the current URL you are visiting. - Why don’t I see the quick form?
You need to be a logged in user and be visiting a single page in details.
- Why it does not work for posts but for pages only?
Posts are normally instantly visible, and hence less likely to be shared manually.
Pages are often invisible or unpublished and need to be shared. - Does it collect email addresses?
No. Email addresses are not captured. It is only used to send an email that contains the current page’s URL.
- Tell me a situation it helps the best.
Suppose you are documenting any unpublished ideas within your blogs; but one day you found your soulmate to give an access to. Anyone with the link can open your pages, and you can email-em your page’s URL.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Email-Em” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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Aldaketen loga
- Initial release.