This is a free (export only) version of CSV Imp.
CSV Imp is a WordPress plugin for importing and exporting eShop products via the CSV file format. If you need to create, modify, or delete dozens or even thousands of products then CSV Imp is intended to save you a lot of time and effort.
CSV Imp also supports embedded images and thumbnails, tags and categories, custom fields, and much more.
- Either use the automatic installer, or download the zip and extract to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder.
- Open the Tools menu on the left side of your WordPress dashboard
- Click on ‘eShop CSV Export’
- How can I import my data?
This is an export only demonstration of CSV Imp. You’ll need to download CSV Imp to be able to import data (you can create new products, modify existing ones, and also delete).
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- Bug Fixed: Made compatible with WP 3.5
- Compatible with WordPress 3.1
- Improved CSV download code to cope with variable mime type support
- Initial version allowing the export of eShop products to CSV.