Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

Featured Image via URL


Featured Image via URL is a plugin to generate the featured image of post from the image url specified.
The image will be fetched back and saved into the Media Library with all supported sizes.
If the featured image is already present, the plugin will do nothing.

This plugin is modified from Auto Post Thumbnail by adityamooley.

For more details, see


  1. Upload directory ‘featured-image-via-url’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Irakurri 6 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Featured Image via URL” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


First release