Football Club Logo Shortcodes will let you display logo of English Premier League football club’s logo anywhere in your wordpress website (posts or pages) using shortcodes.
Following is the shortcodes list for different clubs:
Arsenal: [arsenal]
Aston Villa: [astonvilla]
Burnley: [burnley]
Chelsea: [chelsea]
Crystal Palace: [crystalpalace]
Everton: [everton]
Hull City: [hullcity]
Leicester City: [leicestercity]
Liverpool: [liverpool]
Manchester City: [manchestercity]
Manchester United: [manchesterunited]
Newcastle United: [newcastleunited]
QPR: [qpr]
Southampton: [southampton]
Stoke City: [stokecity]
Sunderland: [sunderland]
Swansea City: [swanseacity]
Tottenham: [tottenham]
West Brom: [westbrom]
West Ham: [westham]
We will be adding other club’s logos soon in coming days. Let us know your view about this plugin. Enjoy!
Docs & Support
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