Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

GA Image Carousel


Carousel Demo Website

If you need to quickly customize the carousel of photos and you do not want to load your resource – this is a choice for you. Fast, adaptive and functional.

Plugin Features:

  • Integration with the WordPress gallery
  • 100% Responsive
  • Touch and Swipe Support
  • Lightweight and high speed
  • Easy to configuration
  • Functional Shortcode
  • Compatible with any Theme
  • AutoPlay on/off
  • Random sorting on/off
  • Animation direction
  • Animation speed
  • Proportion settings
  • Few animation type
  • Few themes for Carousel


  • Installation.
  • Basic view.
  • Different themes(dark).
  • Animation setup.
  • Proportion settings.
  • Advanced customization.
  • Clients and logos carousel.


Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ga-image-carousel directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.

After install, you are ready to use carousel in your post, page, widget or anywhere you like. How to create carousel? lets see.

Now we are going to add a carousel in a regular page. Go to Page > Add New. Click on “Add Media”(1 on screenshots), then you can see media uploader. Now click on “Create gallery(2 on screenshots), then upload some photos here.”

After adding all necessary information, Click the blue button saying “Create a new gallery”(3 on screenshots). You can re-organize carousel items here. “Link to” select “Media file” (4 on screenshots), now click on the blue button saying “Create Gallery”(5 on screenshots).

Then you will get WordPress default gallery shortcode in your editor, you can’t see gallery shortcode, just click on text editor form right(6 on screenshots). Just gallery shortcode(7 on screenshots) need change to “ga-carousel”(8 on screenshots). If your gallery shortcode is [gallery ids=”305,306,307,310,311″], just gallery text change to ga-carousel text. So your shortcode will look like [ga-carousel ids=”305,306,307,310,311”]. Now save your page.

Main shortcode : [ ga-carousel ]

Shortcode attributes:

ids           => use image ids
direction     => left / right. default: right
duration      => from 0 to ∞ (in sec). default: 0.4
animation     => bysection / linear. default: bysection
delay         => from 0 to ∞ (in sec). default: 5
width         => px / %. default: 100%
width-item    => px / %. default: 150px
proportion    => example: 1:3.5 / auto . default: 1:1
clickable     => 0 / 1. default: 1
fancy         => 0 / 1. default: 1
theme         => basic / dark. default: basic
caption       => 0 / 1. default: 1
border        => from 0 to ∞. default: 10
border-color  => in rgb, rgba or hex. default: #ffffff
border-radius => in px, % or 0 (disable). default: 0
margin        => from 0 to ∞. default: 10
navigation    => 0 or 1. default: 1


Installation Instructions

Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ga-image-carousel directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.

After install, you are ready to use carousel in your post, page, widget or anywhere you like. How to create carousel? lets see.

Now we are going to add a carousel in a regular page. Go to Page > Add New. Click on “Add Media”(1 on screenshots), then you can see media uploader. Now click on “Create gallery(2 on screenshots), then upload some photos here.”

After adding all necessary information, Click the blue button saying “Create a new gallery”(3 on screenshots). You can re-organize carousel items here. “Link to” select “Media file” (4 on screenshots), now click on the blue button saying “Create Gallery”(5 on screenshots).

Then you will get WordPress default gallery shortcode in your editor, you can’t see gallery shortcode, just click on text editor form right(6 on screenshots). Just gallery shortcode(7 on screenshots) need change to “ga-carousel”(8 on screenshots). If your gallery shortcode is [gallery ids=”305,306,307,310,311″], just gallery text change to ga-carousel text. So your shortcode will look like [ga-carousel ids=”305,306,307,310,311”]. Now save your page.

Main shortcode : [ ga-carousel ]

Shortcode attributes:

ids           => use image ids
direction     => left / right. default: right
duration      => from 0 to ∞ (in sec). default: 0.4
animation     => bysection / linear. default: bysection
delay         => from 0 to ∞ (in sec). default: 5
width         => px / %. default: 100%
width-item    => px / %. default: 150px
proportion    => example: 1:3.5 / auto . default: 1:1
clickable     => 0 / 1. default: 1
fancy         => 0 / 1. default: 1
theme         => basic / dark. default: basic
caption       => 0 / 1. default: 1
border        => from 0 to ∞. default: 10
border-color  => in rgb, rgba or hex. default: #ffffff
border-radius => in px, % or 0 (disable). default: 0
margin        => from 0 to ∞. default: 10
navigation    => 0 or 1. default: 1


2017(e)ko urriaren 2(a)
Hello I hope you enjoy this project. New features and updates will be soon. This is our first work, please write your wishes.
Irakurri berrikuspen bakarra

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“GA Image Carousel” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


  • Change Shortcode from [ ga_carousel] to [ ga-carousel]


  • Add Customization Features


  • Add Touch Swipe Support


  • First Release