GamiPress – LearnDash Points Importer lets you import the user points balance from LearnDash to GamiPress!
- Import LearnDash user points to any desired GamiPress points type.
- Choose how to process the user points, by summing both balances or keeping only the LearnDash balance.
From WordPress backend
- Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
- Click the button “Upload Plugin” next to “Add plugins” title.
- Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.
Direct upload
- Upload the downloaded zip file into your
folder. - Unzip the uploaded zip file.
- Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
- Activate this plugin.
How to import the LearnDash user points?
- Navigate to WP Admin area -> GamiPress -> Tools -> Import/Export tab.
- At box “LearnDash Points Importer” you will find settings to set to which points type perform the import.
- Click the button “Import LearnDash Points” and wait until process gets finished.
- That’s all!
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- Improvements
- Updated deprecated jQuery functions.
- Initial release.