Genesis Featured Widget Amplified adds additional functionality to the Genesis Featured Posts Widget. Specifically it:
- Supports Custom Post Types
- Supports Custom Taxonomies
- Exclude Term by ID field
- Supports Pagination
- Supports Meta Key Values
- Supports Sorting by Meta Key
- Multiple Hooks and Filters for adding additional content
This plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework
While the plugin will work on the HTML5 “Pro” themes, the HTML markup only supports the older XHTML themes at this time. It is not recommended for use on the new HTML5 themes.
Thanks to David Decker, this plugin is translation ready. German translation files included.
Special Thanks
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the folks at StudioPress, their themes make my life easier.
Gary Jones (aka GaryJ) provided guidance on several issues related to debugging and documentation
- Upload the entire
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go Widget Screen
- Drag Widget to desired sidebar
- Fill in widget settings
- Installation Instructions
- Upload the entire
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go Widget Screen
- Drag Widget to desired sidebar
- Fill in widget settings
- Upload the entire
- What Hooks are available?
- gfwa_before_loop – before the query is formulated
- gfwa_before_post_content – before the content
- gfwa_post_content – standard content output
- gfwa_after_post_content – after content
- gfwa_endwhile – after the endwhile but before the endif
- gfwa_after_loop – after the loop endif
- gfwa_list_items – within additional list item loop
- gfwa_print_list_items – outside the additional list item loop, where list items are output
- gfwa_category_more – within the archive more link conditional block
- gfwa_after_category_more – after the archive more conditional block
- gfwa_form_first_column within the widget form, end of first column
- gfwa_form_second_column within the widget form, end of second column
- What Filters are available?
- gfwa_exclude_post_types – used to prevent post types from appearing in the post type list in the widget form
- gfwa_exclude_taxonomies – used to prevent taxonomies and related terms from appearing in the terms and taxonomies list in the widget form
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Genesis Featured Widget Amplified” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakGenesis Featured Widget Amplified 2 eskualde-ezarpenetara itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.
Itzul zaitez Genesis Featured Widget Amplified zure hizkuntzara.
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Araka kodea, begiratu SVN biltegia edo harpidetu garapen erregistrora RSS bidez.
Aldaketen loga
0.9.1 (12-22-2017 : current)
* Fix issue activating with certain versions of Genesis
* Fix issue with double align on linked images
0.9.1 (12-21-2017)
* Allow safe HTML in the post meta and byline fields
0.9 (12-18-2017)
* Huge code standard clean up that fixed white space, documentation, escaping, and several other standards issues. Plugin now passes WPCS.
* Fixed issue where widget did not update in WP 4.9.
0.8.2 (8-3-2017)
* Removed script that autosaved widget settings as they updated since it conflicted with the WP script that has been added to do the same thing.
0.8.1 (5-14-2012)
- Fixed thumbnail image size option
0.8 (2-27-2012)
- Fixed image alignment when not linked
- Added alignnone to output if no alignment is selected
- Added aligncenter to image options
- Dropped support for php 4, now requires php 5.2 like WordPress
- Simplified defaults to a single list instead of 2 lists
- Simplified widget form creation to allow easier option updates
- Fixed extra posts showing if number of posts is filled in but check box isn’t checked
- Added option for “any” on post types.
- Added option for linking the gravatar
- Fixed some strings that were not internationalized correctly
- Added additional option for linking post title/image via custom field
- Added title cutoff symbol
0.7.2 (10-3-2011)
- Fixed link to post image option
- Fixed link to post title option
- Added German Translation Files
0.7.1 (9-20-2011)
- Fixed text domain for localization support
- Fixed undefined index extra_posts notice
0.7 (9-20-2011)
- Added option to link/not link post title
- Added option to link/not link post image
- Fixed tag archive link
- Fixed All %taxonomy% not showing “selected”
- Fixed exclude post by ID not working
- Added custom field for $instance test on user added actions (v0.7) Complete
- Added even/odd class (v0.7) Complete
- Added counter variable to loop $gfwa_counter (v0.7) Complete
- Added Archive link url for all-taxonomies
0.6.6 (3-21-2011)
- Bug Fix: Corrected taxonomy name for Categories, which resolves several smaller bugs including, exclude terms not working with specific category selected
- Bug Fix: Corrected archive link creation
0.6.5 (2-12-2011)
- Update to taxonomy output to compensate for 3.0 and 3.1 differences
0.6.4 (2-12-2011)
- Changed Terms and Taxonomies drop down output to reduce errors in terms not being built in Query and make output more user friendly
- Fixed the tags query.
0.6.3 (1-26-2011)
- Fixed Ajax widget control loading for IE, Safari, and Chrome
- Fixed multiple image bug when showing more than one image position in different widgets on a page
- Updated Post Extras Dropdown list script
0.6.2 (1-26-2011)
- Fixed extra list output typo
0.6.1 (1-26-2011)
- Fixed extra list default
0.6 (1-26-2011)
- Ajaxified Widget Form
- Form no longer shows options that will not be supported based on other option selections
- Added support for post meta (category and tags)
- Added drop down list of pages if page is selected
- Allowed the first loop to be skipped by setting “Number of Posts to Show” to 0
- Added additional post list format option (ul, ol, or dropdown)
0.5 (1-18-2011)
- Fixed pagination issue due to different reading setting and widget setting
- Fixed Archive link from not showing when enabled and category selected
- Added include/exclude fields for post_type ID
- Added easy position selector for the image relative to the title
- Added class for additional post title
- Added Title Limit
0.4 (1-12-2011)
- Changed Widget to replace Genesis Featured Posts Widget instead of working along side of it
- Removed Beta Designation
0.3b (1-12-2011)
- Improved internal documentation
- Made all text strings translatable
- Added Support for Pagination and Offset to work at the same time
0.2b (1-7-2011)
- First Public Release