The Advanced Search Widget is designed to be a replacement to the default search widget. now search places with advance search it work fine with category just select category with multiple level category and start searching.
place widget anywhere
easy to use
multilevel category option
no java script conflict with other search
Completely integrated into default WordPress theme and search widget.
How to use? Just upload The plugin and activate then go to plugin setting and select a option which you want to activate or not. after activate go to widget area and drag widget to sidebar where you want advance search to appear.
- Download the plugin file
- Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive
- Upload /Advance Search Widget/ folder to /wp-content / plugins/ folder on your site
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“GeoTheme Advance Search Widget” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez GeoTheme Advance Search Widget zure hizkuntzara.
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