Hello EleColor


Hello EleColor is a simple yet powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to change the link color in Hello Elementor theme. It provides an easy-to-use options page in the WordPress admin where you can enter a valid CSS color code, and the plugin will apply this color to all links on your website.

– Customize link colors effortlessly.
– Apply your desired CSS color code.
– Easy-to-use options page.
– Supports the Hello Elementor theme.


  1. Upload the hello-elecolor folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to ‘EleColor Options’ in the WordPress admin menu to customize your link colors.


How do I customize link colors?

After activating the plugin, go to ‘EleColor Options’ in the WordPress admin menu. There, you can enter your desired CSS color code in the provided field and click “Save Link Color” to apply it to all links on your website.

How do I reset link colors to default?

To reset link colors to the default settings, go to ‘EleColor Options’ in the WordPress admin menu and click the “Reset to Default” button.


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  • Minor Update:** Security Enhancement.


  • Minor Update:** Security Enhancement.


  • Minor Update:** Security Enhancement.


  • Initial release.