This plugin inserts to site pages counter code of HitMeter – the free web sites statistic system.
It just insert the counter code, not calculate any statistics.
You can place counter to the bottom of the page or you can choose the plase by using widget.
- Upload ‘hitmeter’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Register on if you are not registered yet.
- Config the plugin ‘hitmeter’ by entering your counter id and selecting counter type.
- See the statistic of your site at
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“HitMeter Counter” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez HitMeter Counter zure hizkuntzara.
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Aldaketen loga
- Initial release