HS Membership plugin add onto the already extensive s2Member. It provides additional functionality including:
- The ability to disable the creation of blogs for Multi-Site installations, based on Membership Level.
- New redirect to a ‘Login Required’ page, to promt the user to login first before he can browse the contents of the blog. This is
required for older installs and upgrades from WPMU 2.9. - New meta-box feature added to allow the author to set the Access Level of a Page/Post directly from the edit page.
This plugin requires the following to ensure full functionality:
- WordPress Multi-Site: 3.0.0, tested up to 3.2.1
- s2Member: 3.1.2, tested up to 110815
Future Releases
No future releases currently planned.
HS-Membership install instructions
- Ensure the s2Member plugin is correctly installed.
- Upload the
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin through the
menu in WordPress. - Navigate to the
HS-Member Options
panel for configuration details.
- Does HS Membership install any new database tables?
No, HS Membership has been fully integrated with the Options Settings that are already built into WordPress.
It is designed to be completely seamless, without code bloat. It has been structured to maximize the ability to
integrate with other plugins installed. - Do I need to install s2Member to use HS Membership?
Yes. HS Membership has been designed to specifically integrate and build on the functionality of s2Member. It is designed to
seamlessly add to the functionality of s2Member. HS Members have been tested with s2Member 3.1.2. - Do I need to install BuddyPress to use HS Membership?
No. Although HS Membership has been designed to integrate with BuddyPress, it is not required to have BuddyPress
installed to use it. HS Membership have been tested with BuddyPress - Will member blogs be able to use the HS-Membership functionality?
Not in the current version. In the current version HS Membership can only be ‘Network Activated’. The options menu and other
functionality will also not be displayed or be available in membership blog dashboards. However this issue is being addressed
and in future the Super-Admin will have the option to make the HS-Membership functionality available to member blogs or even to
member blogs with a certain membership level on the Site Blog? - If a member cancel his subscription, will his blog be deleted automatically?
Not in the current version. In the current version of HS Membership the Super-Admin will have to manualy delete the Blog from
the Dashboard. However this is issue is being addressed and in future the Super-Admin will have the option to set HS-Membership
up to delete a blog if the subscription is canceled?
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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Aldaketen loga
- Update: Support Blog URL updated.
- Update: Functionality enabled for Member Blogs.
- Bug Fix: Compatibilty with WordPress 3.2.
- Bug Fix: Cleaned up code and fixed several smaller bugs.
- Bug Fix: Compatibilty with WordPress 3.1.
- Bug Fix: Gracefull degradation for old versions of WordPress and s2Member.
- Bug Fix: Correctly limit access to the wp-signup.php url.
- Bug Fix: The new versions of s2Member use classes. This cause HS-Membership to have errors. This has now been fixed.
- Feature Update/Bug Fix: The ‘Membership Access’ meta box on the page/post editing pages will only be available for installs with
s2Member prior to version 3.2. From 2Member v3.2 this is now handled by s2Member. - Feature Update: The ‘Blog Creation Restriction’ option will only be available for installs with s2Member prior to version 3.2. From
s2Member v3.2 this is now handled by s2Member.
- Bug Fix: Removed the ‘Membership Access’ meta box on the page/post editing pages. This conflicts with the same functionality
for the main blog. Version 1.0.0 targeted to fully implement this feature. - Bug Fix: The ‘Membership Access’ meta box was not working on the page/post editing pages for new pages. This was only for the
first time when the post was being created. The problem has now been fixed.
- Initial Release
- New Feature: Login Required page added.
- New Feature: New option ‘Blog Creation Restriction’ added. This option allow the admin to block
Blog Creation according to the users level. - New Feature: New meta-box feature added to allow the author to set the Access Level of a Page/Post
from the edit page. - Bug fix: Correctly update user capabilities after a new blog has been created.
Previously on MS installs upgraded from WPMU 2.9, the s2Member capabilities of a user would be
removed if the user created a new blog.