jPic WordPress Widget is a general purpose WordPress widget which shows a picture supplied by an URL.
What I need?
Follow these simple instructions:
- You need to install the latest version of WordPress
- You need widget support (the latest version of WordPress supports it natively; if you use an older version you can download the Widgets plugin)
How can I install it?
- You need to extract the content of the archive and to copy/move the inner directory “jpic-wordpress-widget” to the wp-content/plugins folder. Make sure that the path of the main php file is wp-content/plugins/jpic-wordpress-widget/jpic.php.
And now?
You have to configure the widget from the widget itself, adding it to a sidebar from “Presentation->Widgets“.
- How can I let the image shrink itself to fit the widget?
You have to remove the values from the fields “width” e “height” from widget’s configuration under “Presentation->Widgets“.
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