

Plugin hau 2024(e)ko abenduaren 31(a) (e)tik itxita dago, eta ez dago deskargatzeko eskuragarri. Erabateko berrikuspenaren zain, itxiera behin-behinekoa da.


2022(e)ko azaroaren 28(a)
Very good plugin with interesting features (my license doesn’t cover all those features but thise I can use are working well). Simple usage. I’ve been using the API for almost 2 years or so, and outside some minor issues with the data provided, I have been satisfied by the service & the plugin. Moreover the support is very good: the support team is reactive, can implement new features to improve the user-friendliness of the Wordpress plugin and of the API-related tools.
2021(e)ko uztailaren 21(a)
This plugin added an element style to all the newly created headings. Very risky
2020(e)ko apirilaren 28(a)
An easy in installation and use plugin that will add live stock data to your website; no coding needed. More than 60 exchanges and 120 000 symbols from exchanges all around the world are supported.
2018(e)ko abuztuaren 28(a)
I’m a financial blogger and I’ve been looking for plugin like this for а long time. All plugins before didn’t provide accurate data. But this one do and for reasonable price. Like it
Irakurri 7 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Financial Stocks & Crypto Market Data Plugin” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
