Mailster Mailgun Integration


This Plugin requires Mailster Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

Uses Mailgun to deliver emails for the Mailster Newsletter Plugin for WordPress.

Read the Setup Guide to get started.

Additional Info

This Plugin requires Mailster Newsletter Plugin for WordPress



  1. Upload the entire mailster-mailgun folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings => Newsletter => Delivery and select the Mailgun tab
  4. Enter your API Key and save the settings
  5. Send a testmail


2020(e)ko ekainaren 10(a)
I cannot understand the other here as this plugin does excatly what it says and receives updates from time to time.
2020(e)ko maiatzaren 7(a)
It looses the api key, one it was working and the mails were sent, then no way to make it work again…. I ave several accounts in mailgun… Sometomes only the sand bow appears, sometimes the other appear !!!! Incredebly unstable !
2019(e)ko urriaren 9(a)
Every time I switch over to mailgun plugin I get Cron Lock. All parameter have to be so low that it’s hopeless to use this. I have to set the number of email to 20 and 150ms between each and then is’s working for 2 or 3 cycles. I use cron job on siteground to run the job and this is configured to run every 30 min. So my newsletter use 2-3 weeks to get out. I never gets cron lock when using simple smtp.
2019(e)ko urriaren 4(a) 1 reply
This plugin have some serious flaw, I tried everything using this plug in, it won’t complete my email delivery list. This error kept on appearing: ‘to’ parameter is not a valid address. please check documentation. The worst of it, it doesn’t have email log funchtion, so I could not know what went wrong, I suspect it was a bug in the software, using Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log solved all of my problems and it also had email log function, If there is any errors in the future, I could easily track it.
2019(e)ko otsailaren 16(a) 1 reply
I have tried this plugin, and set everything right in Mailgun itself. I was keep getting the following error: ‘to’ parameter is not a valid address. please check documentation. While searching long for as solution, I tried WP SMTP, and the error was gone and my campaign was sending again.
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  • fixed: PHP warnings on PHP >8.1


  • Updated for Mailster 3.0


  • fixed php Error notice on PHP >= 7.4


  • added string for subscriber error


  • fixed: Undefined variable notice


  • added option to choose EU endpoint


  • initial release