Type complex math expressions easily into your wordpress page using MathQuill ( This plugin adds a new block editor called ‘Direct math input’ in the ‘widgets’ category.
Math expressions are saved in LaTeX format and rendered by MathQuill during pageview.
After installing, a new block editor called ‘Direct math input’ will be available. Each block contains a MathQuill instance
where you can edit math right on your page.
When the math editor is focused, you can enter math symbols using your keyboard or via copy/paste.
See the homepage for a visual demonstration of how to input math.
Some common keyboard shortcuts are as follows:
- / (forward slash) Enter a new fraction, with focusable input areas for numerator and denominator
- ^ (caret) Enter a new superscript, e.g. to add an exponent
- _ (underscore) Enter a new subscript
- ( (open parentheses) Open parentheses (which will scale based on the height of the content inside) Other parenthesis types behave similarly, e.g. [ and {
- \ (backslash) Start typing one of the control sequences below. When finished, press enter or space to see the resulting symbol
Control sequences – to create each symbol, type the full sequence (including the backslash) into the math editor, followed by
space or enter. (not an exhaustive list)
- \plusminus
- \times
- \alpha
- \beta
- \gamma
- \delta
- \Alpha
- \Beta
- \Gamma
- \Delta
- \summation
- \prod
- \int
- \sqrt
- \nthroot
- \lt
- \gt
- \le
- \ge
- \approx
- \doteq
- \neq
- \nless
- \ngtr
- \intersection
- \union
- \subset
- \superset
- \notsubset
- \nosuperset
- \subseteq
- \isin
- \contains
- \notcontains
- \Complex
- \Hamiltonian
- \Imaginary
- \Naturals
- \Primes
- \Rationals
- \Reals
Plugin honek 1 blokea hornitzen du.
- Direct math input Type math expressions directly into your page with MathQuill/LaTeX.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- In the gutenberg editor, add a new ‘Direct math input’ block and start entering math
How do I start using this?
Create a new ‘Direct math input’ block from the gutenberg blocks list.
Start typing math straight into your block using some of the symbols listed in the
plugin description.
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Aldaketen loga
- Apply background color to empty selected block
- Allow keyboard deletion of block
- Change LaTeX button to show copyable LaTeX
- Fix readme formatting
- Add toolbar buttons for superscript and subscript
- Show an error message when the clipboard function isn’t available
- Added a “Copy LaTeX to clipboard” toolbar button
- Added some toolbar buttons to create math symbols
- Added a custom icon for the block editor
- Added some usage information and FAQ
- Improved the plugin description
- Added a screenshot showing usage
- Added assets for banner and icon
- Fixed an issue preventing the math rendering with the correct font file
- Original MVP