Main purpose of Meks Quick Plugin Disabler is to quickly find out if any recent issue you are having on your website is related to the one of currently active plugins.
It is made for developers, techical support engineers, as well as for regular WordPress users. Sometimes, usually after updating your plugins, themes or WordPress installation, strange issues may appear and mess the things up. This plugin provides a really neat way to check the problem.
- Huge time saver when debugging websites with lots of plugins
- Neat solution instead of forced plugin deactivation via FTP (i.e. changing the plugins folder name)
Meks Quick Plugin Disabler is created by Meks
- Upload to plugins via WordPress admin panel or upload unzipped folder to your wp-content/plugins/ folder
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
For any questions, error reports and suggestions please visit
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- Initial release