Mini iframe box wordpress plugin will create a mini iframe window that contains another html content or web page. We can use this iframe box in the widget or short code. In plugin admin, we have option to add and edit iframe content and web page link. Also we have option to configure start and end date for the iframe window. Additionally, we have option to enter iframe style in the admin.
Check official website for live demo
- Live Demo : Live Demo
- More Information : More Information
- Plugin : Plugin URI
Plugin features
- Supports all major browsers.
- Responsive width.
- Easily position the window.
- iframe style option.
- Option to add display start and end date.
Install Plugin using WordPress Plugin Search
Go to your WordPress admin area and click on Plugins >> Add New. Search mini iframe box plugin using search option. Find the plugin and click Install Now link. Finally click activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Install Plugin using the WordPress Admin Plugin Upload
Download the plugin from download location. Go to Plugins >> Add New in your WordPress admin. Select upload plugin button. Upload the available file and click Install Now. Finally click activate plugin link to activate the plugin.
Q. How to change width of the iframe box?
Q. What happen if no valid (All records expired) records exist in admin?
Q. Can we add images in the iframe content?
Q. How to change the style of the iframe box? and how to change the font name, size of the popup text?
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“Mini iframe box” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez Mini iframe box zure hizkuntzara.
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Aldaketen loga
- First version
- Tested up to 5.5
- Tested up to 5.7
- Tested up to 5.8
- Use plugin short code in the widget.
- Tested up to 5.9