Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

Multisite Enhancer


This plugins enhances the multisite network dashboard and adds few more basic features such as displaying post count of each site in network and total published posts across all network.


  • Network Dashboard > Right Now (Section | Widget) > Total Posts across network of Sites
  • Network Dashboard > Sites > All Sites > Posts Count
  • Network Dashboard > Plugin Settings Page


How does it work?
Just install it. Nothing else!
Plugin will display the total posts count of whole network in main network dashboard “At Glance” section.
And, Displays individual site posts count in “Network>Sites” tab of multisite main dashboard interface.


2019(e)ko irailaren 2(a)
I tried searching for similar solution in WordPress repository but did not get satisfactory solutions. Therefore, I developed this plugin on my own. It helps me in keeping track of how many posts are published across the WP network of sites without visiting the dashboard of each. It also allows to open the external links in child window, which keeps the site visible in background without sending/throwing/shooting off the user. This helps users too who wants to browse the site further after visiting the external page. Sorting by posts count do no work yet. I will fix that part as soon as possible.
Irakurri berrikuspen bakarra

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Multisite Enhancer” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Multisite Enhancer 1 eskualde-ezarpenera itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.

Itzul zaitez Multisite Enhancer zure hizkuntzara.

Garapena interesatzen zaizu?

Araka kodea, begiratu SVN biltegia edo harpidetu garapen erregistrora RSS bidez.

Aldaketen loga


Added Feature – Plugin now allows to inject custom html/css/js into wp header network wide.


Bug Fix – Plugin will store the settings networkwide now.


  1. Added support for multiple WP networks
  2. Added feature to allow external links to opened in child window rather than redirecting the user. Enabled by manually configuring the selector.


Just updated function names. So that they are unique and do not collide with names of other plugins/themes of WP repository.