Say goodbye to the headache of managing users in a multisite network! Now when a user visits a blog in the network, the user will be added to the blog with your specified roles automatically.
Here is how this plugin works:
- When a user visits a site, this plugin checks if the user is already a member of the site.
- If the user is a member, do nothing.
- Otherwise add the user to the site with the user\’s role in blog #1, or a role specified by you. [Sync Role]
- If the user is not an existing member of blog #1, the user will be added with a role specified by you. [Default Role]
- When a user\’s role is updated, the user\’s new role can be updated across all the bogs the user is member of. [Role Update]
You can install this plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard:
- Go to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
- Search for Multisite User Role Sync.
- Click Install Now.
Activate the plugin.
Alternatively, you can download the plugin and install manually:
- Upload the entire
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin.
Navigate to Network Admin > Settings > Network Settings > Multisite User Role Sync page.
Specify a Sync Role and a Default Role.
- Does this plugin require a multisite installation?
- Where can I configure the plugin
You can find the settings page here: Network Admin > Settings > Network Settings > Multisite User Role Sync
- Where can I get help?
You can try the WordPress Support Forum.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“Multisite User Role Sync” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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- Initial release