My Restaurant Reviews (Mr.R) is a simple plugin that aggregates reviews of your restaurant from
several online sources and displays them on your WordPress site. Mr.R offers a shortcode [my-restaurant-reviews]
that can be used on a post or a page to show aggregated reviews.
Mr.R is quite flexbile and offers several customization options (more will be added soon).
It currently supports Zomato and Google
as its online review sources. If you are a developer, Mr.R would love if you could lend a hand in
adding support for more sources (eg. Yelp, TripAdvisor, OpenTable, Swiggy). Seriously, that’d make Mr.R very happy.
Reviews from online sources are fetched and cached in database for later retrieval and displaying.
It is also possible to have Mr.R create blog posts of every new review fetched.
There are plenty of F&B and restaurant WP themes (eg. Food Restro)
that come bundled with a testimonials section, the content for which must be tied up with a post category.
Icon made by Flat Icons from
- Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
- Search for ‘My Restaurant Reviews’
- Activate MRR from your Plugins page
- Visit ‘Settings > My Restaurant Reviews’ and adjust your configuration
- Save settings to fetch online reviews for the first time
- Stand back and wait for the big bang 😉
- How do I get API key for Zomato?
Check Zomato Developers API page.
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