Mykraft Owl Slider is a simple, responsive WordPress slider plugin ideal for template homepage. It is based on OWL Carousel, touch enabled jQuery plugin. Slider works as a custom post type with featured images, excerpt as a slide description and each slide can have a link with an option to open a link in a new tab. Add new slides using Dashboard> Slider> Add New Slide link. Use Dashboard> Appearance> Customize link to open WordPress extended Customizer page option. At the bottom of the side menu click Slider Customizer tab to open slider options. You can change slider container background image, slider pagination color or background image, or you can choose to disable the pagination.
- Unlimited number of slides
- Touch enabled
- Responsive
- Slider container will auto size image height
- Custom post type
- Slider image
- Slide link
- Slide description
- Auto play
- WordPress extended Customize page with slider options
- Set slider width in pixels (default slider width 100%)
Bartosz Wojciechowski, Owl Carousel developer.
First download the ZIP file
Log in to your website administrator panel
Go to Plugins page, and add new plugin
Upload plugin
Click Install Now button
Then click Activate Plugin button
Add the following line in your template where you want slider to be displayed
<?php if (function_exists('homepage_slider')) { homepage_slider();} ?>
NOTE: Using Mykraft themes doesn’t require this code line to be added manually since all Mykraft themes are slider ready.
Alternatively use shortcode [owls]
How to rearrange slides?
Use the custom post type published date to prioritize slides order
No, but you don’t need navigation links, slider is touch enabled and you can move it using mouse or by touch.
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Aldaketen loga
- Added shortcode [owls].
- Added slider maximum width support for Customizer.
- Published version