oceanpayment AliPay payment plugin
1.install the Oceanpayment-AliPay plug-in in the WordPrwss background.
2.Activate oceanpayment AliPay in the plugin menu.
3.Click on woocommerce and select payment settings.
4.Fill in the configuration information.
Configuration Options/values
Enable/Disable Configure whether to enable the payment option, unchecked to not enable payment.
Title AliPay
Description Optional value, description of the payment method in the shop front, usually located below the payment method name.
Account Provide by Oceanpayment technical support.
Terminal Provide by Oceanpayment technical support.
SecureCode Provide by Oceanpayment technical support.
Submiturl Production:production environment;Sandbox:Test environment.
Pay page Mode Redirect:Redirect to open payment page;iframe:iframe payment page.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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“Oceanpayment AliPay Gateway” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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