Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

OpenGraphiq Lite


Create Effective Social Media Visuals

Define how you want your content to appear when shared on social media. OpenGraphiq allows you to automatically generate social share images for your WordPress posts (in Pro version pages, products and custom public post types are included too). Now you can automate your creative and social network management process and save time on routine content production so you can focus on more significant tasks.

Use OpenGraphiq to auto-generate variations of social share media visuals. Your open graph and twitter card images can be branded in just a few clicks. OpenGraphiq creates branded social share images to match with your company’s style including company logo, post title, post featured image and post category among other things.

Simple Tool That Saves Time

Define how will your WP content appear when shared, apply ready-to use OpenGraphiq templates or create new ones.

  • STEP 1: Write and publish your WP content
  • STEP 2: Create or choose preset OpenGraphiq template
  • STEP 3: Automatically generate custom social share images for your posts, pages or products

OpenGraphiq generates share images for all major social networks. They will show up automatically wherever you share an article.

Powerful template editor

The template drag & drop editor is extremely flexible, intuitive and easy to use. You can add static content as text, images, or shapes as well as dynamic elements which will be automatically generated based on post properties. All of the Google Fonts are available for your design inspiration.

Dynamic elements

Use the following dynamic post properties in your social share images:

  • Post title
  • Featured image
  • Categories
  • Post excerpt (Pro version)
  • Product description (Pro version)
  • Tags (Pro version)
  • Author avatar (Pro version)
  • Author username (Pro version)
  • Standard price (Pro version)
  • Display price (Pro version)

Premade templates

OpenGraphiq comes with ten premade templates to start from, and all of them are fully customizable!

No 3rd party services

Plugin does not use any external service, everything is processed and generated within your WordPress instance.

Compatible with SEO plugins

OpenGraphiq is compatible with existing SEO plugins such as YOAST SEO or All in One SEO Pack

Known issues

In the absence of appropriate WordPress filters related to the head content, OpenGraphiq utilizes php ob_start() and ob_get_clean() output buffering functions to filter out the page head’s markup. This may cause incompatibility with hosting services based on Varnish/Nginx proxy.


  • OpenGraphiq Lite – Template Editor
  • OpenGraphiq Lite – Custom Post Type
  • OpenGraphiq Lite – Bulk Image Generation
  • OpenGraphiq Lite – Individual Post, OG Meta Box


Plugin Installation

Use WordPress Add New Plugin feature (Plugins panel) and search for OpenGraphiq Lite. Click install and then activate (once the plugin has been installed)

Import of Premade Templates

  1. Install WordPress importer if not already installed (Tools > Import)
  2. Download OpenGraphiq Lite plugin zip file to your local computer (from
  3. Extract og_templates.xml from the zip archive (demo folder)
  4. Open WordPress and open WordPress Importer (Tools > Import > Run Importer)
  5. Click Choose File
  6. Select extracted og_templates.xml, click Upload file and import
  7. Assign posts to existing user and click Submit
  8. Once demo import is done, you should see imported templates in OpenGraphiq panel of your wp-admin


Is there a premium version?

Yes. There is a Pro version and you can find it here

In addition to the features in Lite version, Pro version offers the following:

Additional post types

  • Static pages
  • Products
  • All other public post types

You can override the default template on the level of post type as well as on the level of indivual post / page / product

Additional dynamic elements

  • Post excerpt
  • Product description
  • Tags
  • Author avatar
  • Author username
  • Standard price
  • Display price

Which themes and page builders are supported?

OpenGraphiq should work without issues with most of the themes regardless of the page builder the theme is based on.


Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.

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  • Initial release.