Integration of PgnViewerJS into WordPress. This is a small layer around the original PgnViewerJS, but is needed to use it in a WordPress installation. At the end, it should provide the following interfaces:
[pgnv]1. e4 e5 2. ...[/pgnv]
This is the PgnViewer (mostly needed): allows to play through a game (including variations), printing the comments, NAGs, …
[pgne]1. e4 ...[/pgne]
Allows to edit and view a game. At the end, you may use the PGN button to display the notation, that then may be copied again in the WordPress post entry.
[pgnb fen=<a FEN string>][/pgnb]
Just to display a board (only), no moves.
[pgnp]1. e4 e5D 2. Nf3 Nc6D ...[/pgnp]
Allows to print a game in a format similar to magazines and books. For that purpose, the notation of PGN was expanded by the “D” at the end of a move, that stands for the diagram.
For a list of available parameters, look into the Frequently Asked Questions.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
What parameters are available?
The parameters the viewer understands are:
- id: May be set by the user or generated automatically by the system.
- locale: the locale to use for displaying the moves, default is ‘en’. Available are: cs, da, de, en, es, et, fi, fr, hu, is, it, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, sv.
- fen: the position where the game starts, default is the initial position.
- showcoords: default true, if false, hides the ranks and columns on the board.
- piecestyle: the pieces to use, default is ‘merida’. Availabe are: ‘wikipedia’, ‘alpha’, ‘uscf’, ‘case’, ‘condal’, ‘leipzig’, ‘chesscom’, ‘maya’, ‘merida’, and ‘beyer’.
- orientation: ‘white’ or ‘black’, default is ‘white’.
- theme: the theme defines the overall board, color, pieces, … Current are: green, zeit, chesscom, informator, sportverlag, beyer, falken, blue
- boardsize: the size of the board, if it should be different to the size of the column.
- size: the size of the column to print the board, the buttons, the moves, …
- moveswidth: used to size the width of the moves section. Needed for layout == left | right
- movesheight: used to size the height of the moves section. Needed for layout == left | right
- layout: top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
- startplay: move from which the game should be started
- showresult: true, if the result of the game should be shown inside the notation, default false
- colormarker: default none, options are: cm, cm-big, cm-small, circle, circle-big, circle-small
- notation: default short, option is: long
- notationlayout: default inline, option is: list
- showfen: default false, option: true. Shows an additional text editor for the FEN of the current position.
- coordsfactor: default 1, by using a different number, coords font is grown or shrunk.
- coordsfontsize: alternative, set the size of the font in pixel
- timertime: default 700, number of milliseconds between moves
- hidemovesbefore: default false, if set to true, hide the moves before move denoted by startplay
The following code shows how to use some of the parameters in a page:
[pgnv locale=fr piecestyle=uscf orientation=black theme=zeit size=500px]1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6[/pgnv]
What if I want to use most of the parameters the same all the time?
There is a Javascript variable
that you could set. Do the following:- Go as admin of your WordPress site to Appearance > Theme Editor
- Search on the right the theme file named
Theme Header
). - Search inside that file the section that begins with
. - Insert somewhere before the plugins are loaded the following:
<script>const PgnBaseDefaults = { locale: 'de', layout: 'left', size: '720px' }</script>
(of course with the defaults you like).
When you now create new pages, you can leave out the parameters you have already set per default. And you can of course overwrite them by having individual parameters set in the call.
Where can I find more information about the implementation?
Have a look at the GitHub repository and the sister repository (which contains the implementation in Javascript).
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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“PgnViewerJS” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakPgnViewerJS 1 eskualde-ezarpenera itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.
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Aldaketen loga
- Upgarde to version 1.5.13 of PgnViewerJS (so the big change in version number).
- Remove some of the defaults, so that those defaults may be overwritten by setting
. See the FAQ to that topic.
- Upgraded to version 1.5.6 of PgnViewerJS.
- Updated PHP file with version as well.
- Added all known parameters of PgnViewerJS of version 1.5.3
- Ensure that all parameters are written in the correct format
- Upgrade the implementation to the latest version of PgnViewerJS 1.5.3 that fixes the Fontawesome problem on theme 2021.
- Fixed some of the whitespace bugs.
- Upgrade the implementation to the latest version of PgnViewerJS.
- Fixed some of the whitespace bugs.
- Allow starting a game from a defined move.
- Added notation for circles and arrows, with creating them in editing mode.
- Add color marker for the player at move.
- Show result in move list.
- Some small bug fixes of previous versions.
- Added some parameters that were now available from PgnViewerJS.
- Replace chessboard.js by Chessground (from
- Current version of PgnViewerJS as published on GitHub.
- Fixed minor things by adding CSS file for WordPress only.
- Added generation of ID if it is missing
- First version made public