Plugin hau ez da probatu WordPressen azken 3 bertsio garrantzitsuenekin. Baliteke, jada, mantentze edo euskarririk ez izatea, eta, WordPressen bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

One-Click Post Checkout Registration for WooCommerce


This plugin provides seamless registration option for your guest customers. When they reach the order confirmation page after checkout, they’ll be prompted to create an account with a single click, only if they don’t have one already.

The plugin will automatically create a user account from the guest details, generate a password for them, logging them in. Moreover, it will trigger a ‘new-account’ email, and redirect the user to their dashboard.

How to use

  • Install the plugin and activate it
  • Head to WooCommerce settings from WP admin dashboard
  • Open the “Accounts & Privacy” tab
  • Find and check the “Post-checkout registration” option
  • Save changes


If you’d like to view the source code and contribute to this plugin, check out the plugin’s github repo.


  • Settings
  • Order Received Page
  • Account Page


Can I change the prompt message?

Yes, you can. You have the option to set your own message in WC account settings.

What if I’m using a custom thank you page?

That’s easy, just use the [wc_pcr_message] shortcode where you want the prompt to appear. Just make sure to pass the order id in the URL (eg: /?order_id=1), or as a shortcode attribute (eg: [wc_pcr_message order_id=”1″])


2022(e)ko uztailaren 24(a) 1 reply
Great and simple plugin to help customer engagement! Thanks a lot Ali, keep up the good work. My thank you page plugin messed up with the create account button though. It would be great if I could edit it. Will try!
2021(e)ko urriaren 1(a)
I was looking for a plugin to do this after Jilt has discontinued their services. It allows the best of both worlds, guest checkout + optional account creation and linking purchases.
2021(e)ko ekainaren 11(a)
This plugin allows customers to link their just placed order with their account if they have one, or let’s them create a new account if they don’t have one and links that order to it. This is very helpful for customers. Great plugin. Developer is very responsive.
2021(e)ko ekainaren 10(a)
Very simple but powerful plugin. I won’t miss the emails from customers who register an account a few days after the order was placed wondering why they don’t see their order.
Irakurri 4 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“One-Click Post Checkout Registration for WooCommerce” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga


  • First release


  • Added shortcode [wc_pcr_message] to allow displaying prompt on custom checkout page
  • Added options to change prompt message text.
  • Link order to existing account even after the user moves outside the login page and sign in later within 6 hours
  • Clean-up


  • Tested with latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions


  • Prevent error when “When creating an account, send the new user a link to set their password” option is disabled.


  • Allow passing the order id in the shortcode as an attribute (eg; [wc_pcr_message order_id=”1″])


  • Fixed: order ID was not being pulled correctly in some cases when passed as a shortcode attribute.


  • Added the ability to auto link orders to the customer if they have an existing account.
  • Add an option to show login form below the post-checkout notice.


  • Bug fix ( issue with [wc_pcr_message] shortcode on custom thank you pages )


  • Bug fix ( fix woocommerce notices for the login form )