A Plugin to Uptime Robot Server Monitoring. Add a status List to a post or page using the shortcode PUM
or simple add a widget to your sidebar.
If you make a donation to this plugin we will put it directly to the UptimeRobot project.
Add your API code from > My Settings > Main API Key to Settings > Uptime Robot Setup > API Key
If you wish to hide a special monitor from beeing displayed, add it to the list under Settings. For more than one monitor make a comma separated list: mon1,mon2,mon3
Basic example:
[pum] inserts the shortcode on a page or post. You can use the attribute monitor to display a singe monitor by friendlyname.
exampel: [pum monitor=”friendlyname”]
Support Forum @
- Upload the plugin folder to the
directory - Gaitu plugina WordPress-eko ‘Pluginak’ menutik
- Place the shortcode on your page or
<?php echo do_shortcode('[pum]'); ?>
in your templates
Use our forum at for support
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
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LaguntzaileakPowie's Uptime Robot Plugin 4 eskualde-ezarpenetara itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.
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Aldaketen loga
0.9.7 (05.12.2019)
- 5.3 checks
- Bugfix for using the monitor attribute with the friendly_name
0.9.6 (28.06.2019)
- 5.2.2 checks
- translation readiness
0.9.5 (06.07.2017)
- API v2
0.9.4 (12.06.2016)
- added option to display a singe monitor
0.9.3 (16.05.2016)
- added class pum to the shortcoded table
0.9.2 (28.12.2015)
- WordPress 4.4 compat
0.9.1 (01.12.2014)
- comma separated list to hide monitors
- initial version