IMPORTANT: Minimum PHP version 7.4!!!
PressMailer enables you to change the texts of default notifications in WordPress and makes the notifications a bit nicer with HTML mails.
- Edit the text of the default WordPress notifications
- Build notifications with Gutenberg. Image block etc. in e-mail notifications to create better notifications.
- Adds a default HTML layout that you can customize with logo, footer, fonts etc.
Added support for the following notification:
- Customize user request mail
- Customize email change confirmation request email
- Customize email changed email
- Customize erasure fulfillment email
- Customize new user email
- Customize password changed email
- Customize personal data export email
- Customize retrieve password email
Install the plug-in as you would for other plug-ins and activate it.
When activated you will see PressMailer in the admin and you are ready to go.
Does it work with other notifications like WooCommerce?
No, not yet. We are working on that!
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak
“PressMailer” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
LaguntzaileakItzul zaitez PressMailer zure hizkuntzara.
Garapena interesatzen zaizu?
Araka kodea, begiratu SVN biltegia edo harpidetu garapen erregistrora RSS bidez.
Aldaketen loga
- Fixed issue with saving default from e-mail
- Changed default color to PressMailer color.
- Bumped tested up to, to WordPress 5.6
- Removed unnecessary code
- First published version!
- Feature: Use Gutenberg blocks to edit the content of an email
- Feature: Adds a basic layout customizer
- Feature: Customize user request mail
- Feature: Customize email change confirmation request email
- Feature: Customize email changed email
- Feature: Customize erasure fulfillment email
- Feature: Customize new user email
- Feature: Customize password changed email
- Feature: Customize personal data export email
- Feature: Customize retrieve password email
- Feature: Change subject of each email
- Feature: Change from name for each individual mail or globally
- Feature: Change from address for each individual mail or globally