Pricing Table WordPress is a fully responsive HTML & CSS3 WordPress plugin that offering a modern and engaging user experience. This plugin allow you to create awesome responsive pricing tables for your site/blog in a minutes.
Plugin Features
- Fully responsive.
- All Browser support.
- Unlimited Pricing Table.
- Display Pricing Table by Unique Post id.
- Use via short-code.
- 4 Different Themes.
- Header background color Option.
- Header Title Font color Option.
- Header Title Font Size Option.
- Subtitle Font Color Option.
- Subtitle Font Size Option.
- Features Font Size Option.
- Features Font Color Option.
- Add and remove Pricing Table from back-end.
- Highly customized for User Experience.
- And Many More…
Available Video Instruction
Using The WordPress Dashboard
- Install as regular WordPress plugin.
- Go your Pluings setting via WordPress Dashboard Install and activate it.
- After activate plugin you will see “Pricing Tables” menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find “Pricing Option Configuration”
Using FTP
1.Extract to your computer.
2.Upload the pricing-table-wordpress directory to your wp-content/plugins directory.
3.After activate plugin you will see “Pricing Tables” menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find “Pricing Option Configuration”
How to use short-code?
When Pricing Tables options setup done please copy & paste shortcode into your theme any where you want to display this Pricing Table.
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Aldaketen loga
- Initial release