The easiest way to show realtime product visitor count to your WooCommerce customers
Key Features
- Using fake driver for testing purpose
- You can use Pusher for tracking realtime product viewer
- WooCommerce product support!
- Message position can be customized.
Privacy Policy
Product Watcher – Display Realtime Product Viewer to Your Customers uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.
Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users.
Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.
Learn more about how Appsero collects and uses this data.
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“Product Watcher – Display Realtime Product Viewer Count to Your Customers” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.
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Aldaketen loga
v1.2 – (18th June, 2022)
- WordPress 6 compatible
v0.2.0 – (2nd October, 2021)
- Update plugin UI
v0.1.0 – (17th June, 2021)
- Fixed: Pusher settings
v0.0.2 – (1st June, 2021)
- Fixed: JS chunk loading issue