

Plugin hau 2024(e)ko abenduaren 18(a) (e)tik itxita dago, eta ez dago deskargatzeko eskuragarri. Erabateko berrikuspenaren zain, itxiera behin-behinekoa da.


2018(e)ko apirilaren 9(a)
This too can be deployed as task completion module for organization. Imagine u have 20 staff and you need to task them all with a single task, so instead of relying on expensive project management plugin u use this and everyone can mark if they have completed a task accordingly. Also good if you are a lecturer and want every single student to read a freaking topic before you give them a quiz because you know you always give answer in these topics and hope they score but they dont because they lazy af. Anyway, more people should use this.
2018(e)ko apirilaren 7(a)
Surprised this doesn’t have a lot more users because it performs a very useful function in giving people a sense of accomplishment. Especially useful if you write educational material that isn’t necessarily part of a course, or if you want to break up a longer article into sections so people don’t give up on it. Mostly just writing this review to thank the developers.
2016(e)ko irailaren 3(a) 5 replies
This plugin does exactly what I need it to do, so I’m giving 5 stars for that. Thanks guys for putting in the effort! A few constructive criticisms: I wish all developers would integrate more tightly with the WP admin UI It would be nice to use font icons instead of images (e.g. FontAwesome) It would be nice to have a little more flexibility on the parent page. Currently, links are forced into a 50/50 layout. I would prefer a single column list, and perhaps the option to show an excerpt Some depreciated HTML being used. e.g. should be If a donation would help towards getting these features included, please let me know where I can do that 🙂
Irakurri 8 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Progress Tracker” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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