Use PureDevs WP locker To safeguard your entire WordPress site, by using a single password.
Only the visitors who know your password would be able to access your WordPress site.
This plugin is just what you need if you’re setting up a developmental version of your WordPress site or if your website is going through a major revamping and your website is simply off-limit from the general public or the known bots.
After activating the plugin, head over to Settings> PureDevs WP Locker> Set Password to set a site-wide password.
Note: When a user enters a password, their IP is saved both on cookie and in database table as future login credentials.
Form heading: Clarify to visitors the reason for locking your website and provide clear guidance on the next steps to take.
Button Label: customize the text on your password submission button.
Manual installation is easy. It will take less than a minute if everything goes well.
- Download the plugin from, unpack it and upload the [PureDevs WP Locker] folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Go to Dashboard > Settings > PureDevs WP Locker , to customize the content as per your needs.
Q. Is it future-proof?
Ans: Yes, we will keep updating the plugin and keep adding relevant, useful features that will be compatible with the future version of WordPress.
Q. Can visitors access my website?
Ans: Only visitors who know the password will be able to access your site.
Q. How can I override the default login page template in my theme folder?
Ans: To override the default login page templete, you need to find and copy the password-form-template.php from the includes/templates folder of puredevs-wp-locker plugin, then create a new folder in your theme folder and name it “puredevs-wp-locker”; once that is done, past the password-form-template.php file in your theme’s newly created “puredevs-wp-locker” folder.
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- Version 1.0 Initial Release