Qiriman is a WooCommerce plugin that provide shipping method from various expedition in Indonesia.
This plugin support shipping via JNE, JNT, POS, TIKI, and WAHANA. Currently, only support shipping within Indonesia.
You can use the free vesion for shipping via JNE. The premium version give you access to shipping via another expedition.
- Upload Qiriman plugin to your WooCommerce site, then activate it
- Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> Qiriman – Ekspedisi Indonesia. Setup your configuration and then save it.
- To use more expedition, get premium key via
- Do this plugin support shipping cost calculation to outside Indonesia ?
No. This plugin designed specifically for shipping cost inside Indonesia.
- Other than expedition choice, are there any other limitations for the free version ?
No. The only limitation for the free version is you can only choose JNE for the expedition.
- Is the free version going to be free forever ?
Forever, like…, forever ? Of cource no. But as long as our service online, you can always use this plugin for free.
Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.
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Aldaketen loga
- Fix for possible conflict with theme script
- Bugs fix
- Remove translation for plugin string.
- Add more option
- Bugs fix
- Fix localization implementation
- Add Indonesia translation
- Initial release.