QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce


Take the eCommerce experience on your website to new highs by presenting your shoppers with easily adjustable free or paid advanced product options in lists and on product single pages.

Check out the QODE Product Extra Options Demo
Check out the QODE Compare documentation

Display Comprehensive Free or Paid Extra Options for Any of Your Products

The QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce plugin provides you with a simple and completely flexible way to add multiple selectable options for your products.

These advanced options located next to your products can be either paid, free or sale options, which correspondingly affects the total price of the product.

On top of that you get to choose where and how you wish to display the extra options.

Depending on the type of the option, they can feature labels, images, some descriptive text, prices, and they can also be set as required in order for the purchase to be completed.

The price totals can be adjusted in such a way that the added options affect the price in real time, with subtotals and final prices calculated and displayed on the fly on that very page.

Easily Configure Options With the Help of an Extensive Library of Option Elements

Thanks to the plugin’s comprehensive set of option elements, the extra options can be featured in checkboxes, radio buttons, text input fields, text areas, color swatches, number fields, dropdown selectors, labels or images, date selectors, color pickers and more.

Each of these option types can be adjusted and modified individually. This includes adding custom labels, prices, images, and lots more.

Shoppers can select either one or multiple options, depending on how you configured them.

You also have the ability to allow users to select a specific number of options for free, with every subsequent option added to the purchase impacting the price.

The appearance of each option can be fully customized in a clear-cut and intuitive manner.

Adjust the Conditional Logic for Every Set of Options With Ease

QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce lets you easily choose when to display or hide certain options for your products by configuring the conditional logic for your options.

Simply modify the display rules for each set of options, and choose when and under which conditions they will become available for selection.

Fully Customizable Option Block Styles

All the options are placed inside easily customizable blocks.

You have the ability to alter the block heading tags, background colors, content padding, price boxes, option form styles and a whole lot more.

Show Extra Product Options in Carts and Allow Shoppers to Edit Them Directly Then and There

The extra product options can be featured on product single pages, product lists. On top of that, you have the option to display options in carts, and allow your visitors to edit them straight from the cart page.

Let Your Customers Upload Photos of Their Own for Custom Orders

In the event your shop offers custom orders, you can enable file uploads for your visitors and let them provide you with images and files pertaining to their orders with ease.

You can choose which file types the users are allowed to upload, as well as adjust the maximum file sizes.

Documentation & Support

  • Check out our step-by-step user guide on how to install and use QODE Variation Swatches for WooCommerce.
  • You can also submit a topic to the support forum at and our support team will be glad to help you out.

Privacy Policy

We use our services

Qode’s CDN – The domain https://export.qodethemes.com is a service from which we retrieve the list of all Qode plugins displayed in the admin dashboard.
Qode’s API – The domain https://api.qodeinteractive.com is an API that’s called when a user deactivates the plugin, to retrieve the reason for deactivation. Upon deactivating the plugin, the users are prompted for a reason for doing so. They also have the option to deactivate without providing a reply. The data obtained from the users who respond to the question is collected to improve the plugin. After the analysis of said data, the plugin is upgraded and enhanced in such a way as to fulfill the users’ expectations.
Qode’s Terms of Use – https://qodeinteractive.com/terms-of-use/
Qode’s Privacy Policy – https://qodeinteractive.com/privacy-policy/

Looking for more?

Feel free to try out some of our other products:

Qi Theme
Qi Addons for Elementor
Qi Blocks for Gutenberg
QODE Wishlist for WooCommerce
QODE Quick View for WooCommerce
QODE Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
QODE Compare for WooCommerce


  • Product Extra Options Demo
  • Mobile Phone Extra Options
  • Make Your Meal Extra Options
  • Copywriting Text Extra Options
  • Jewelry Piece Extra Options
  • Custom T-Shirt Extra Options
  • Admin Global
  • Admin Block Editor
  • Admin Add New Block


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce
  3. Activate QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce from your Plugins page.
  4. Enjoy 🙂

From wordpress.org

  1. Download QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce.
  2. Upload the qode-product-extra-options-for-woocommerce directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce from your Plugins page.
  4. Enjoy 🙂


How do I install QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce?

There are two ways you can install QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce plugin.

You can install the plugin from your WordPress dashboard:
1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New
2. Search for QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce plugin
3. Install and Activate QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce from your Plugins page.

Or you can install it directly from WordPress.org
1. Locate and download QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce on wordpress.org
2. Upload the qode-product-extra-options-for-woocommerce directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory using your preferred method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
3. Install and Activate QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce plugin from your Plugins page.


Ez dago berrikuspenik plugin honentzat.

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


Aldaketen loga

1.0.1 – 14-10-2024

  • Improved framework
  • Minor fixes

1.0 – 07-10-2024

  • Initial release.